Author DD Lorenzo and I were just talking about the book covers, titles, and blurbs of her books. A third author had suggested she try something new and recover them (and also update the titles and blurbs) because the books aren’t getting the recognition and following they deserve. I totally agreed with her. I’ve read DD’s Depth of Emotion series, and it’s really good (and I don’t like 1st person, but I still loved the stories and her style).
NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author Alessandra Torre (I highly recommend joining her Facebook group) has mentioned many times in her videos, blogs, and post that, if your books aren’t selling, then changes need to be made. If I remember correctly, one of her books has gone through 6 different covers!
At the end of last year, I took Alessandra’s advice. Recovering my series was a given since I’d done the original covers myself—something a lot of us have done for financial reasons in the beginning of our careers. Those covers were okay—and I say that in a flat tone of voice – my readers liked them, but they weren’t attracting new readers as much as I hoped. My standalone, The Friar, had a professional cover, but the title and cover had some readers thinking it was religious or religious taboo.
I ended up reworking all the blurbs, redoing the covers, and changing that one title. Sales have definitely increased on all books—part of that is from Bookbub deals, but I’m sure the new covers helped me get those deals. They also helped me get a high number of downloads from those deals and keep those sales coming.
If your sales are not where you’d hope they would be, then take a good look at the entire package. I love DD’s book covers, but one person’s opinion isn’t the only one that matters. If the covers/titles/blurbs aren’t appealing to a broad reader base, then something has to change, if not all three.

When I retitled/covered The Friar and made it The Road to Solace, all I had to do on Amazon and the other sites was change the title in the listing, upload the new cover, and adjust the blurb. I did NOT have to get a new ASIN or ISBN for the EBOOKs only. Print versions needed new ISBNs. The ebook version, though, is the more important aspect. The print versions are always easily linked to them. If you keep your ASIN and other ebook ISBNs, then you don’t have to go through asking Zon, Kobo, B&N, etc to move the reviews from one listing to another – a quick email takes care of this if you decide to start with a new ASIN/ISBN for the ebook. Some authors like to start with a fresh ASIN/ISBN because then the book will be listed as a new release and get exposure that way. If I ever do this again, I might go that route, since all I have to do is contact the sale sites, give them the old and new numbers, and ask them to transfer the reviews.
So don’t be afraid to start over with a new cover and title. I know how it feels to change from a cover you love and that has an sentimental connection with you, but sentimental is not going to sell your books! Check out the top 50 books in your genres and study the covers and blurbs—see what is making them top sellers. Go into author groups and get opinions about different cover styles, titles, and blurbs. If you have a reader group, show them a few cover/title options and get their opinion from the consumer point of view. Remember, if your books aren’t selling, it’s because of either the cover, title, blurb, editing, or marketing—or all of them. Do the research, take a chance, and put your best book forward.
As with all posts in this blog, these are suggestions. What works for one author, may not work for another. Do what works best for you.
Interesting. I read the Friar and liked it.
Thank you!